(Style #1) Barrel-shaped. The lid rests on top of jar. Unglazed bottom incised with the common Mar-crest logo. Looks like jar says "Lookies".
(Style #2) Barrel-shaped. The lid rests on a lip inside of jar. Unglazed bottom incised with the common Mar-crest logo. Looks like jar says "Lookies".
(Style #3) Bell-shaped. The lid rests on top of jar. Shortest jar of all. Unglazed bottom is incised OVEN PROOF USA. Jar clearly reads "Cookies". (Some have WS in wings logo on bottom.)
(Style #4) Bell-shaped, thin band of foam drip. The lid rests on top of jar. Unglazed bottom incised OVEN PROOF USA. Jar clearly reads "Cookies". (Some have WS in wings logo on bottom.)
(Style #5) Bell-shaped, wide band of foam drip. The lid rests on top of jar. Unglazed bottom incised with Maple Leaf and the words Monmouth, ILL USA (S in USA backwards). Looks like jar says "Lookies". (Some have WS in wings logo on bottom.)
(Style #1 again, but in yellow. Very hard to find.) Barrel-shaped. The lid rests on top of jar. It's identical to style/jar #1, except for color. Unglazed bottom incised with the common Mar-crest logo. Looks like jar says "Lookies".